Genetic Health of the Clumber Spaniel with Jerold S Bell DVM

The Clumber Spaniel Health Foundation was honored to host a very informative webinar with Jerold S Bell DVM, Adjunct Professor of Genetics at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. Dr. Bell is also Chairman of the Hereditary Disease Committee of the World Small Animal Veterinary Medical Association, on the Board of Directors of the OFA, and the AKC Canine Health & Welfare Advisory Panel. Dr. Bell and his wife Candice breed and show Gordon Setters in conformation, hunt test, obedience, and dock diving.

Dr Bell did a very deep dive into the Clumber spaniel gene pool and history, dispelling a number of myths about genetics along the way. We are grateful to Dr Bell for spending a Sunday afternoon with us.

The webinar is available by following this link.